INSPIRE Schema Updates

The release of a number of major version INSPIRE application schema updates (v4.x to v5.0) has been announced. The first major version update in nearly a decade.

Major version updates can include breaking changes that are not backwards compatible. Breaking changes have also been introduced to v4.0 schemas, although no major version change was made. The Joint Research Commission (JRC) has indicated that the new schema versions will be used in the 2025 Monitoring.

The official INSPIRE Validator has incorporated the new schema versions; currently data which is compliant against older schema versions will validate against the test "Validation against declared schema" in the Conformance Class 'INSPIRE GML application schemas, however it will not validate against the "Validation against INSPIRE official schema" test in the theme-specific conformance classes that have experienced a schema update, for example Conformance Class 'GML application schema, Protected Sites.

Scroll down to see the recording of our June 12th, 2024 webinar on the INSPIRE schema updates.

Further information on the INSPIRE v5.0 schemas can also be found in our blog post on the subject and a new tutorial focused on schema updates.

Webinar Recording

On June 12th, 2024 wetransform offered a webinar regarding the INSPIRE Schema Updates.

In this webinar, our experts walked hale»studio users through the transformation project update process from INSPIRE application schema v4.0 to v5.0 step-by-step.

The webinar also covered updating online transformation workflows on hale»connect. The platform will be migrated to the updated 4.0 schemas and the 5.0 versions will be added on June 21st, 2024.

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