Harmonise your data with

Data is only valuable when it’s useful. In order for it to be useful, many standards have been created, but with many standards come many complications.

hale»studio is the best tool available to make your data fully and truly interoperable. It is entirely open source and focused on harmonising complex structured data sets to work with open standards such as OGC, ISO, INSPIRE, BIM, XPlanung, and environmental reporting.

You can enhance your data quality and richness, reduce costs and risks, and maximise the value of your data to external users. hale»studio will aid you in generating high value data sets faster and easier than any other tool.

Join over 5.000 active users, including the European Environmental Agency, the environmental agencies of Austria and Denmark, and Eurostat.

Get started with hale»studio 5 today!

hale»studio features

Creation of GML/CityGML/XPlanGML data sets
Creation of GML/CityGML/XPlanGML data sets
Database-to-database migration
Database-to-database migration
Assessment of migration risks, mismatches
Assessment of migration risks, mismatches
Integration of data from multiple sources
Integration of data from multiple sources
Environmental reporting
Environmental reporting
Creation of INSPIRE data sets
Creation of INSPIRE data sets

hale»studio and INSPIRE

hale»studio was specifically developed to support INSPIRE implementers.

At least 50% of all currently compliant data sets have been created with hale»studio, by thousands of happy users.


Some INSPIRE-specific highlights include:

  • Presets for all INSPIRE schemas
  • Integration of the INSPIRE codelist registry
  • Full support for all INSPIRE default and alternative encodings


Learn more

With hale»studio, you can:

Understand Complex Data Structures
With hale»studio, you can:

Explore rich specifications interactively, instead of having to read through documents with hundreds of pages of text and tables. Analyse data sets to understand how a specification is actually used.

Master Data Transformation in Minutes
With hale»studio, you can:

Author your data transformation with our easy to learn three-step transformation mapping approach that works even with the most complex specifications.

Get Immediate Feedback and Validation
With hale»studio, you can:

Make any change to the transformation mapping and see how the transformed data is affected by using the table view, map view, and report view. The built-in schema validation provides you with detailed information about where you need to improve the transformation mapping.

Make Open Standards Work
With hale»studio, you can:

Create and use Open Standards data to its full potential. hale»studio is made to support rich open standards such as OGC GML and CityGML, INSPIRE, ALKIS/NAS, IFC or any other XML- or JSON based standard. It also supports PostGreSQL, Oracle, File Geodatabases and many other formats.

Process Big Data Fast
With hale»studio, you can:

With an engine that was designed for real-time transformation of complex data structures, hale»studio is much faster than any other engine on the market. Even On-Demand Transformation of large and complex data sets becomes feasible.

Migrate to New Standards Quickly
With hale»studio, you can:

Migration to a new version of a schema has never been easier. hale»studio compares new and old schemas, and you only have to create a new transformation mapping bridging the differences between the old and the new version.

Create Easy-to-maintain Transformation Mappings
With hale»studio, you can:

Export the transformation mapping as rich, interactive documentation, as Matching Table or as a simple document. Annotate the mapping with information on your decisions.

Streamline the Data Publishing Workflow
With hale»studio, you can:

Transformation is just one step towards for making the most of your data. hale»studio has integrations with deegree, FME, XtraServer, and other software. hale»studio also offers command line and service interfaces for the automation of workflows.

  • 1

    Understand Complex Data Structures

  • 2

    Master Data Transformation in Minutes

  • 3

    Get Immediate Feedback and Validation

  • 4

    Make Open Standards Work

  • 5

    Process Big Data Fast

  • 6

    Migrate to New Standards Quickly

  • 7

    Create Easy-to-maintain Transformation Mappings

  • 8

    Streamline the Data Publishing Workflow

With hale»studio, you can:

Explore rich specifications interactively, instead of having to read through documents with hundreds of pages of text and tables. Analyse data sets to understand how a specification is actually used.

With hale»studio, you can:

Author your data transformation with our easy to learn three-step transformation mapping approach that works even with the most complex specifications.

With hale»studio, you can:

Make any change to the transformation mapping and see how the transformed data is affected by using the table view, map view, and report view. The built-in schema validation provides you with detailed information about where you need to improve the transformation mapping.

With hale»studio, you can:

Create and use Open Standards data to its full potential. hale»studio is made to support rich open standards such as OGC GML and CityGML, INSPIRE, ALKIS/NAS, IFC or any other XML- or JSON based standard. It also supports PostGreSQL, Oracle, File Geodatabases and many other formats.

With hale»studio, you can:

With an engine that was designed for real-time transformation of complex data structures, hale»studio is much faster than any other engine on the market. Even On-Demand Transformation of large and complex data sets becomes feasible.

With hale»studio, you can:

Migration to a new version of a schema has never been easier. hale»studio compares new and old schemas, and you only have to create a new transformation mapping bridging the differences between the old and the new version.

With hale»studio, you can:

Export the transformation mapping as rich, interactive documentation, as Matching Table or as a simple document. Annotate the mapping with information on your decisions.

With hale»studio, you can:

Transformation is just one step towards for making the most of your data. hale»studio has integrations with deegree, FME, XtraServer, and other software. hale»studio also offers command line and service interfaces for the automation of workflows.

Ready to start with

Download the open source tool here!


Publishing data sets: hale»connect

The best way to author data transformation projects for INSPIRE is by using hale»studio.

The easiest way to publish the resulting data sets is hale»connect.

hale»studio projects can be uploaded to hale»connect and used within automated workflows to transform and publish data.

learn more
Publishing data sets: hale»connect