Become a Partner!

wetransform is the experts’ expert in all matters surrounding geospatial data transformation and open standards.

To bring our knowledge to the world, we are always happy to find new partners to help us gain access to more markets and apply our technology to innovative solutions.


Existing Partnerships

Fraunhofer Venture

Fraunhofer Venture was the first investor and completed a seed round with wetransform in 2015.

To advance the transfer of its scientific research findings and meet the growing start-up spirit in the Fraunhofer institutes, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft initiated its Fraunhofer Venture division in 1999.

The aim of Fraunhofer Venture is to make innovations usable through spin-offs and lead them to economic value creation. As of today, Fraunhofer Venture supported the successful start-up of more than 200 companies from life science/medical science, energy and environment, information and communication, manufacturing and processing, microelectronics, transport and logistics, materials, and photonics.


High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF)

HTGF is Germany’s largest early-stage investor and invested in wetransform in a second seed round in early 2017.

HTGF has an experienced team of investment managers and start-up experts that help guide top companies on their journey from launch to success. The funds (HTGF I, HTGF II and HTGFIII) invested in 534 High-Tech companies since 2005, with a total volume of 892.5 Mio. €. Moreover, HTGF successfully sold interests in 101 companies.

CADFEM International AG

CADFEM International AG

CADFEM International AG is the international branch of CADFEM, one of the leading providers of industrial simulation solutions worldwide. CADFEM has made more than 25 investments in start-ups in various stages and invested in wetransform in a Pre-Series A in 2021.

International Data Spaces Association

The International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) is an association of 120+ organizations – innovators across industries – who share a vision of a world where data providers enjoy true data sovereignty and realize the full value of their data in secure, trusted, equal partnerships. It brings together companies, scientists, lawmakers, and all other relevant stakeholders in an open, not-for-profit coalition to create the all-important technical standard that will make this future economy possible.

wetransform joined the IDSA in 2021 and started the Environmental Data Spaces Community within the IDSA.

InGeoForum / InGeoFIRST

InGeoForum / InGeoFIRST

InGeoForum is an information and cooperation forum shared by providers and users of geodata, GIS, and related services. The basic aim of InGeoForum is to support the development of the geodata market and geodata infrastructure in Germany.

wetransform joined the InGeoForum in 2016 and became the first company to participate in the InGeoFIRST initiative for start-ups.

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is an international not for profit organization committed to making quality open standards for the global geospatial community. These standards are made through a consensus process and are freely available for anyone to use to improve sharing of the world’s geospatial data.

wetransform joined the OGC in 2016 and has mostly been active in the CityGML working group.

Fraunhofer IGD Logo

Fraunhofer IGD

Fraunhofer IGD is the world’s leading institute for applied research in visual computing. Visual computing is image- and model-based information technology and includes computer graphics, computer vision, as well as virtual and augmented reality.

Fraunhofer IGD has been coordinator of the HUMBOLDT project, where hale»studio was originally developed. wetransform GmbH collaborates with Fraunhofer in R&D projects such as Smarticipate.



Spatineo helps organisations to optimise their investments in the Spatial Data Infrastructure and prove the value of their spatial information and web services. Spatineo has integrated their easy-to-use cloud-based applications for usage analytics, service level monitoring, and performance testing in wetransform’s SDI platform, hale»connect.

Spatineo was founded in 2011 and it has headquarters in Helsinki, Finland. Their mission is to help our customers to improve the use and usability of spatial web service technologies for both public and commercial uses.


Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms to individuals, companies and governments.

For our public cloud deployment of hale»connect, wetransform relies on AWS services hosted in Frankfurt, Germany.

Epsilon Italia

Epsilon Italia

Epsilon Italia is an independent SME established in 1996 in Mendicino (IT). The company provides the end users with innovative and technologically advanced solutions in the geospatial domain, with a focus on SDIs – Spatial Data Infrastructures and GI Standards).

wetransform and Epsilon Italia have collaborated on multiple projects for the EEA, the JRC, IREN, and for other INSPIRE implementers. Epsilon is also a qualified service partner for hale»studio data transformation project work.

Minerva Intelligence

Minerva Intelligence

Minerva Intelligence Inc. is based in Vancouver, British Columbia. Our objective is to develop and market AI software products to various industries with complex technical and scientific data. We built our AI software based on decades of experience and expertise while working in the geological and cognitive computing fields.

Minerva intends to harness the INSPIRE standards, taxonomies and spatial data sets to bring their unique solutions to the European market and has identified Wetransform as a suitable partner. Minerva and Wetransform already collaborated on specific customer projects.