Time to Innovate

In most research projects time for innovation is short.
Novel research can only happen after months of data discovery, data collection, integration, and quality assurance. In data-intensive research, scientists can spend up to 80% of their time on data management tasks alone. We can change that.

About Us

A Better Way to Research

wetransform typically gets involved during the proposal phase of a research project in one of two ways:

  • As a subcontractor, if our standard process and tools closely matches the requirements
  • As a partner, if substantial tool customisation or other R&D work is required

During the project, we continually improve data management. Functioning similarly to a Scrum Master in software development, we resolve roadblocks and improve efficiency wherever possible.

This allows the research team to:

Acquire data from project partners and make it accessible to all researchers

From day one, all project partners use the data set manager to upload data. This enables the researchers to find relevant data swiftly. We support versioning and branching, which makes it easy to stay up-to-date.

Design a shared, conceptual model

The explorative modelling tool is used to reach an understanding of existing standards quickly. Custom conceptual models are built through collaboration and used to integrate data.

Deal with many different formats and data models

We can handle more than 20 common file formats, ranging from XML to JSON to Shapefiles, XLS and SQLite, plus databases and service standards.

Integrate and harmonise multiple data sets into one

Reliable research results are ensured by harmonising multiple data sets into one consistent data set.

Understand data quality and coverage

We find out which parts of shared models are covered by which data. This also enables us to find gaps, inconsistencies and excess, and validate data against defined schemas and rules.

Provide data to new applications and existing tools

We create a transformation project to restructure and convert data as required by existing or new research tools. Our fast cloud transformation engine deals with large or real-time data sets.

Contact us to learn more about Agile Research Data Management!

    Over 30 Successful Projects

    Olav Peeters
    [HALE is...] The product of a FP7 project where more was achieved than lengthy, silly “deliverable” documents which no one ... really no one ... not even the Project Officer, nor the boss of the Project Officer, nor the boss of the boss of the project officer is interested in reading.
    Olav Peeters

    Olav Peeters Belgian Interregional Environment Agency

    Dr. Joachim Rix
    In Smarticipate, we empower citizens and other stakeholders to truly interact with smart city data. wetransform's approach and platform enables us to get a running start and provide new capabilities within weeks of the project's start.
    Dr. Joachim Rix

    Dr. Joachim Rix Smarticipate