A new home for the hale»studio and hale»connect community
For a long time, the data harmonisation panel and specifically the Redmine installation at www.esdi-community.org was the home to hale»studio. More than 1.400 people registered there over the course of six years and posted questions on INSPIRE and other standards. For reasons such as that no one maintained the existing infrastructure anymore, we have moved most resources away from Redmine over the course of the last year:
- The hale studio source code and issue tracking is now hosted at GitHub
- The end user and developer documentation has moved to halestudio.org
- Since last week, the hale support board is now moved to discuss.wetransform.to
The old website will now be switched off. So, what do we have in stock for you on the new site?
The new forum pretty much looks like other discussion sites. It offers threaded discussion on one single board, where you can post anything related to hale studio, hale»connect, inspire git and data harmonisation in general. What's special about it is that it is fully integrated with hale»connect, our cloud platform for collaborative data modelling and transformation. When you register at the forum, you automatically get a free account to hale connect as well.
Step by step, we will integrate functions that are only available inside hale connect, such as discussions on individual cells of hale studio projects, with the public forum. We look forward to see more focused and effective teamwork on issues such as challenging transformation projects!
Happy transforming!