hale»connect Release Notes: January 2022

hale»connect Release Notes: January 2022

Release Notes hale»connect Product Update

Here's what's new in hale»connect this month!

For Users

New Features

hale»connect now offers a TN-ITS endpoint. The TN-ITS specification focuses on "describing the exchange of (changes) of road attributes, with the emphasis on static road data." Through this endpoint, TN-ITS data providers can make TN-ITS data sets available via the standardized TN-ITS REST service interface. TN-ITS data consumers can also obtain the TN-ITS data set via the interface.

Supported endpoints:

returns all TN-ITS datasets of an org as a tnits:TNITSRestDatasetRefList (see API data model).

/download/queryDataSets?lastValidDataSetID=<base64-encoded datasetId>
returns all TN-ITS datasets of an org as a tnits:TNITSRestDatasetRefList that chronologically come after the dataset specified in the parameter.

download/readDataSet?dataSetID=<base64-encoded datasetId>
returns the tnits:RoadFeatureDataset dataset.

For more information, visit the following links:


  • In gmd:MD_DataIdentification, users can now edit the revision date, publication date and creation date of a dataset at gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date using either gco:Date or gco:DateTime. Users can use an autofill rule to populate these fields in the metadata editor.
  • The migration of the hale»connect platform to Angular is currently ongoing. Recent upgrades include the migration of the file upload component on hale»connect, which enables users to upload files to the platform.


  • We implemented a fix to generate external GetFeatureById links for INSPIRE Environmental Monitoring Facilities features published via WFS, using deegree. The WFS response for published Environmental Monitoring Network features contained relative path links. The underlying issue was that in EnvironmentalMonitoringNetwork.contains, deegree assumed that the referenced element was a NetworkFacility object, which is the association class for linking EnvironmentalMonitoringNetwork and EnvironmentalMonitoringFacility. Because NetworkFacility is not a feature type, deegree did not generate external GetFeatureById links for referencing the respective objects.
  • The global capacity update now only occurs nightly during a defined interval, reducing the load on MongoDB during the capacity update.