We transform our world with green data.
We promote innovation and cooperation by improving the accessibility and interoperability of spatial and environmental data.
Trusted by both governments and private organisations to harmonise complex datasets, we tackle real-world issues that have a positive impact on climate, biodiversity, and health.
The European Commission's Act on High-Value Datasets will make more publicly-funded information available
as open data for innovations such as Artificial Intelligence and Data Spaces
by June 9th, 2024
The European Commission’s INSPIRE data standard is the best starting point for all your green data harmonisation needs!
Data spaces provide accessible and interoperable data, ready to be at the heart of innovation.
For innovators, gathering and cleaning the data is a cumbersome and lengthy process. Pre-harmonised environmental data that complies with existing standards such as INSPIRE makes processes like training Machine Learning models faster and easier.
Data spaces also allow solution providers to sell their products across more countries thanks to the availability of large amounts of clean, reliable data.
For data owners, contributing to a data space turns their assets into high quality, high-value data sets. They retain full sovereignty to decide who can access which data when and to what purpose.