hale»studio 3.4.0 is here, improves Geoserver integration and adds XtraServer configuration Plug-In
Spring is here and so is the latest release of hale»studio. The new release 3.4.0 includes the addition of several, new, third-party plug-ins, new features, as well as numerous bug fixes:
- Support for isolated workspaces in Geoserver App-Schema plugin
- XtraServer configuration plugin
- The alignment merger tool
- View tasks and messages associated with alignment cells
- Split GML output by feature type
- Import Groovy snippets for use in transformation scripts
- Preset for AAA/NAS XML schema
- CLI option to output statistics and define custom success conditions
The whole list is available in the changelog.
Download the latest version and send us your feedback:
Support for isolated workspaces in Geoserver app-schema plugin
The app-schema plugin developed at GeoSolutions now comes with support for GeoServer's isolated workspaces feature. Isolated workspaces allow service providers to restrict access to OWS layers through virtual services. A virtual service exists for each GeoServer workspace and publishes only those layers available on the associated workspace. Once a workspace is set to isolated, the contained layers are no longer visible or queryable by global services. The contents of an isolated workspace are accessible only via the associated virtual service. This functionality is useful for service providers who want to share specific services with different clients.
Thanks to the GeoSolutions team, specifically to Stefano Costa and Nuno Oliveira, for this contribution!
XtraServer configuration plug-in
XtraServer is a product of interactive instruments GmbH. It is a suite of implementations of various OGC service specifications, e.g. Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Map Service (WMS). XtraServer services can be based on any application schema according to the Geography Markup Language (GML). For this, a mapping from the GML application schema to the table structure of the underlying database is to be provided in the configuration of the service. The mapping language of XtraServer is very flexible and can virtually map all GML application schemas to heavily deviating database schemas. For this reason, mappings can be quite complex.
The purpose of this plugin is to transform the XtraServer mappings to hale alignments (via Import) and generate a new XtraServer mapping file easily (via Export).
Thanks to interactive instruments, Jon Herrmann, and Andreas Zahnen for this contribution!
The Alignment Merger
Declarative Mappings, which we call Alignments, lend themselves to be re-used. One potential area of re-use is if you have one alignment that maps from A to B and another one that maps from B to C is that you could combine them into a single alignment from A to C. This is exactly what the Alignment Merger command-line component does - it allows you to merge two alignments that have a shared schema into one. As an example, say you have a mapping from a database to a national standard, and one from that national standard to INSPIRE. Now you can directly create a mapping from your database to INSPIRE, without much extra work!
The Alignment Merger will perform as many steps as possible automatically, but will sometimes require manual input from you. For this purpose, the Alignment Merger generates Tasks (see next new feature).
Thanks to the Implementierungspartnerschaft AAA-Dienste for funding this work.
Viewing tasks and messages associated with alignment cells
With the release of 3.4.0, users are able to view and manage tasks that are created by the alignment merger process. This functionality allows users to either dismiss tasks or edit cells directly before transformation.
Allow to split GML output by feature type
hale studio now supports the option to split GML by feature type during the export of a GML feature collection. This new option is helpful for users who want to reduce their file size or who need to work with GML files containing a single feature type.
Groovy snippets as re-useable resoruces
Now you can import Groovy scripts to your transformation project. Using Groovy snippets allows you to keep extensive logic in external files and to easily reuse them across different transformation scripts. You can reference a specific Groovy snippet by its identifier that you set when importing the snippet.
Preset for AAA XML schema
The list of presets for source and target schemas has been extended: The newest addition is the AAA (NAS) XML Schema 6.0.1.
CLI option to output statistics and define custom success conditions
Users performing transformation of source data using the command line interface in hale studio are now able to set customized success conditions through use of a Groovy script which is evaluated against the transformation summary. Success criteria included in an evaluation script might include: an XML schema validation with no errors, or that a certain number of objects were created.
Thanks to the Landesamt für Vermessung und Geobasisinformation Rheinland-Pfalz for funding this work.