Group picture of the fifteen members of the 2024 wetransform team

Business and Pleasure: The 2024 wetransform Offsite

Allgemein Kultur Offsite Personal Strategie Teamwork wetransform

Sunday, January 28th 2024. Strikes across Germany make it impossible to travel by train. Undeterred, all fifteen members of the wetransform team use planes and automobiles to make their way into the Black Forest, all the way to… sunny Saig?

The village of Saig in Germany's black forest, nestled among grassy fields and evergreen trees. In the distance, mountains are visible.

Yes, indeed! This third year at the Saiger Lounge is unlike previous years, with a distinct lack of snow. Green grass greets us in places where just last year and the year before we were sinking into the snow! Even Mellie, the Lounge's beloved resident pooch, seemed a bit puzzled by these changes in her domain.

Mellie, a reddish brown dog, gazes out over the green fields of Saig

Ever adventurous, the wetransform team sought out the nearby slopes and forest to hunt down and enjoy what remained of the usually so wintery wonderland before we got to work.

The snowy slopes of FeldbergA large, frozen lake is visible through the trees. There are cracks and holes in the ice. On the other side, more forest stretches out across hills.

Work to be Done

All work and no play may make for a rather miserable offsite, but of course there was still work to be done. Our objectives were:

  • Exchanging of open feedback
  • Reviewing 2023
  • Presenting the 2024 company objectives
  • Reviewing the outcomes of the previous offsite
  • Discussing strategy surrounding Data Spaces and Artificial Intelligence
  • Leveraging the knowledge of the whole group for improvements on team-level

This year, we tackled those objectives with a far less packed schedule than previously. A generous amount of buffer time for work-related subjects and extra time for socialising made the entire offsite lower in stress and higher in productivity than previous years.

A partial view of the conference table and presentation screen at wetransform's 2024 offsite.

10 members of the wetransform team sit at the conference table while 2 other members present.

Fun to be Had

As wetransform usually operates remotely, it is rare for the entire team to meet in one place.

Now that the opportunity was there, we spent a good amount of time chatting, playing games, and enjoying runs and walks together.

four members of the wetransform team having an animated discussion.

Four members of the wetransform team play foosball together

eight members of the wetransform team pose in the forest.

Kapil and Anna chat as they jog along a road in Saig.

But not only that!

You see, every wetransform offsite there is one very distinct highlight. On one night, we cook!

Behold the majestic mascarpone, gently chilling outside during a meeting in anticipation of becoming tiramisu…

A stand mixer, partially covered by a pink-and-green cloth, stands on an outdoor patio table.

Soon, the Saiger Lounge’s spacious kitchen is filled with wetransform team members pitching in for a feast!

Six members of the wetransform team cook together at a large kitchen island.

The international wetransform team flexes their culinary muscles and once it’s time for dinner, that effort is rewarded! From charcuterie arrangements, to Albanian stuffed peppers, to Sri Lankan string hoppers, and Italian desserts, we have it all!

Enough to eat for two days, in fact, and still have leftovers!

Food stretches out across two long tables during the wetransform 2024 offsite.

A side view of food at the wetransform 2024 offsite.


The 2024 wetransform offsite was a great success! Not only did we get to enjoy the rare delight of having everyone in one place, we also moved forward on strategic and operational matters, such as:

  • how to leverage AI tools to improve internal processes and product offerings, e.g. to make informaiton hidden in scanned development plans accessible
  • how to support the establishment and success of the Green Deal Data Space and of the Forest Data Space, e.g. through promoting data interoperability
  • how to optimise our internal resource and budget usage, e.g. through optimising our products for low-effort maintenance

Every team got the opportunity to leverage the wide range of expertise present in order to get new, fresh perspectives on their respective challenges. There was even time deliberately left to spare so ad hoc issues could be resolved within good time.

The mood was good and spirits are high for a new year, may it be even more successful than the last!