GDI-Südhessen and wetransform win 3rd place in DVW Best Practice Award
In June 2016, wetransform completed development and deployment of www.gdi-inspireumsetzer.de. GDI InspireUmsetzer is an online platform for the members of the GDI Südhessen organisation. More than 90 municipalities and districts work together to improve processes and to solve challenges such as the INSPIRE implementation together.
The GDI-Südhessen and wetransform are honored to receive the third place award for the implementation of this platform. With the help of the GDI Inspire-Umsetzer, people at all levels of local and regional government can now create data sets and services that are fully compliant with INSPIRE and GDI-DE requirements. The award committee noted:
The project was convincing especially because there is one central platform where all data providers, especially those excluded form access to due the complexity of the topic, can easily provide a contribution to spatial data infrastructures. An easy to use interface and a high degree of automation provide for optimal accessibility.
If you want to learn more about GDI-Südhessen and the GDI InspireUmsetzer, join the presentation of the awardees at the INTERGEO congress in Hamburg. Susanne Egert and Andreas von Dömming will present our work on the 11.10.2016.
Read more about the award at the DVW website (in German). We're currently working on an in-depth article on the platform for the DVW magazine.