hale»connect Product Update for July 2023

hale»connect Product Update for July 2023

Neuigkeiten Versionshinweise

Time for more exciting features and fixes in hale»connect in our July 2023 release notes!

If you don't have experience with hale»connect yet, why not try it out for free? We'll even throw in an introductory webinar!

As always, our product team has worked very hard and is proud to announce:

New Features

  • The hale»connect map viewer is extended to support location search. A search button that invokes a search bar is added to the map preview. The search button is located under the zoom in/zoom out button. When a user clicks on the search button, a search bar appears at the top of the map preview and the map zooms to the entered location.

screenshot of the hale»connect map viewer centred on Fraunhofer IGD, Faunhoferstr. 5 in Darmstadt, Germany

  • GDI-DE recommended CI_OnLineFunctionCode codelist value in WFS service metadata and dataset metadata is added for German language themes.


  • Explicit port declaration that was sometimes added to hale»connect URLs in GetCapabilities documents was removed because it caused problems with the INSPIRE validator
  • Correct LimitationsOnPublicAccess codelist is provided in German language themes
  • Metadata-only toggle shows correct status after theme creation
  • Number of discussions shown on badge is updated
  • Application no longer freezes on attempt to load capacity section for admins
  • Autofill rules and default values behave consistently in transformation chains
  • When publishing a Shapefile containing decimal values, the GML returned from its WFS now are ensured to be valid according to the XML data type, even if their original representation in the Shapefile uses scientific notation

Be sure to check out both hale»connect and our open source ETL-tool hale»studio for all your geospatial data transformation, harmonisation, publication, and compliance needs!

If you have usability questions, be sure to check out our forums! We are also always happy to hear from our customers, should you wish to provide feedback.