The INSPIRE Helsinki Event: Harvesting the Sea of European Spatial Data

The INSPIRE Helsinki Event: Harvesting the Sea of European Spatial Data

Konferenzen Veranstaltungen Konferenzen Veranstaltungen INSPIRE

This year’s INSPIRE event is being held in Helsinki from the 22nd to the 24th of October, with the theme of harvesting the “Sea the of European Spatial Data”. Coders, project managers and data owners will come together to discuss the latest trends and to inspire new developments.

The Highlights

Data Challenges

The event will facilitate different data challenges that aim at solving real world problems by using open data and innovative technology. The topics for these will range from finding the best seaside vacation whilst ensuring sustainability, to making everyday commutes better by using weather, air quality and road data. Wetransform has also organized a data challenge along with AELER technologies that will focus on optimization of intermodal freight transportation. Whether you're a student, developer or a project manager, each of these data challenges will provide you with valuable insights into the usage of open data. You can learn more about these challenges here.

Danube river

By the Beautiful Blue Danube: The Multimodal Freight Transport Route Optimization Challenge


INSPIRE implementation consists of various stages such as metadata management, data transformation, publishing services and validation. Each of these stages can be tackled in a variety of ways. After these stages have been tackled, you still have to build applications on the INSPIRE standard.

To this end, the event will host workshops that will demonstrate some of the best practices for INSPIRE implementations such as using OGC API features and building applications on top of the INSPIRE standard.


The keynotes will be delivered by some of the most prominent personalities of the INSPIRE world. These are the ones that have been involved in the conceptualization, development, execution and the application of the INSPIRE standard.
Bart De Lathouwer (President of the Open Geospatial Consortium), Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts (Director, IoT, Forum Virium) and our very own, Thorsten Reitz (Founder and CEO, wetransform GmbH) will be keynote speakers at the conference.

Their talks will discuss the past, current and future trends relevant to INSPIRE. One of the topics that will be discussed is the usage of simple alternative encodings to improve the usefulness of INSPIRE data.

As a sneak peek of what’s to come, you can check out this video on the GeoJSON Alternative Encoding, and how it acts as an alternative to the INSPIRE standard in order to provide high-quality data visualizations.

Implement INSPIRE with one day of work for just 500€/year

As usual, wetransform representatives will be present at the event and ready to offer advice on implementing the INSPIRE directive. If you'd like to set up a meeting with us to discuss a cost-effective and fast approach to implementing INSPIRE, or if you'd just like come say hi, click on the button below and send us an e-mail!