wetransform Tutorials, Trainings and 1:1 Sessions in the second quarter of 2021

wetransform Tutorials, Trainings and 1:1 Sessions in the second quarter of 2021

Neuigkeiten hale»connect hale»studio INSPIRE

From April 2021 to June 2021, we will provide tutorials, trainings, and 1:1 sessions on identifying and fixing INSPIRE compliance gaps. Here's the schedule:

Webinars and Sessions

INSPIRE Solutions for Municipal Service CompaniesApril 20freeClosed
GeoPackage: An alternative encoding for INSPIRE May 18freeRegister here
Kommunale Lösungen für INSPIRE und XPlanung June 1freeRegister here
INSPIRE Monitoring 2021: Identify Compliance Gaps April 1-30freeE-mail us
INSPIRE Monitoring 2021: Fix Compliance Gaps May 2-31freeE-mail us

INSPIRE Online Trainings

15 Std. Datentransformation nach INSPIRE mit hale»studioBeginnersJune 14-18800€
15 hrs Transforming Data to INSPIRE with hale»studio BeginnersJuly 6–10800€
8 hrs Transformation for Environmental Monitoring FacilitiesAdvancedMay 25-27400€
8 hrs Transformation for Geology and Mineral Resources AdvancedJune 21-23400€
8 hrs Mastering complex INSPIRE transformations with ScriptsAdvancedJune 8–10400€

XPlanung Online Trainings

1 Std. Einführung in XPlanung und XPlanGMLAllApril 7free
15 Std. Datentransformation nach XPlanung mit hale»studioBeginnersApril 26-30800€

To sign up for other events, e-mail us at info@wetransform.to with the list of events you want to attend and your name and organization. To learn more about the trainings, visit our workshops webpage.