hale»studio: TOP 10 Challenges with Transforming Data
Free hale»studio Training on May 20th at 13:00 CEST (English)
Last month over a hundred users attended our introductory webinar to hale»studio. Now we offer a follow-up training – again, free of charge! The webinar on May 20th addresses hale»studio users with a beginner or intermediate level of expertise. We will therefore address aspects of data transformation that can be challenging for this user group.
To allow you an even better learning experience, you can look at the webinar topics in advance here. Just follow the links (more ...) to the descriptions in the online help:
- Installing plug-ins for loading a FileGeodatabase
- Loading multiple WFS services that require a combined schema by creating a combined schema
- Loading multiple shapefiles and CSV files
- Using Join or Spatial join functions for multiple source datasets
- Using the Merge function
- Using the classification function with an Excel Mapping table
- Filtering attributes by setting condition contexts on source data attributes
- Mapping filtered data by using the Assign Bound function
- Visualizing data by filtering them in the views for source data and for transformed data and displaying them in the map view
- Selecting instances in the map view and displaying them in the views for source data and for transformed data
You can register for the webinar here...
...or register for the webinar by sending an email with your contact details to info@wetransform.to and enter Registration for TOP 10 Challenges as subject.
Happy transforming!